There are
top 10 Spas & massage centers in Colombo according to Tripadvisor website. This website lists them as per thoroughly completed information of centers, and genuine review from customers. The best review points, quantity of review and some other factors automatically judge what best / top spa is. Tripadvisor never physically visit those massage centers, but it relies on its users. If high number of users� favorites were luxury type, you would never expect economy type of center on the list. I am sure that most of you never heard of 50% of spa in the top 10 list. Your favorite spas would miss here. Why? Most of spas are not on Tripadvisor, and they have different setup that not favor Tripadvisor, but they favor you!
Top 10 Spas in Colombo |
Here are the top 10 Spas & massage centers in Colombo. (
This list might change time to time)
- Thusare Talking Hands
- Kemara
- ExSerendib Ayurveda Cure & Therapy
- Spa Ceylon
- Prana Lounge
- Azmaara Spa
- Sri's Aqua Healing
- Angsana City Club & Spa Crescat City
- Nature's Secrets Beauty Spa
- Siddhalepa Spa
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